"If I peed my pants would you pretend that I just got wet from the rain?"

Oh, Michael Cera. It's a good thing the writers for this film were so good. This is definitely one of the great one liners from the movie, and Cera did a great job with the delivery, but I am just so over him. He plays the same character in every movie which makes things so so predictable.

That little soap box aside, this movie was really really good. Here's why: the post production was some of the best I think I've ever seen. It's just a really beautiful film. The special effects were amazing...I can't wait to rent the blu-ray so that I can see all the behind the scenes features. The fight scenes were really great, and this is probably where I was most impressed with Cera...dude can kick and flip and hit like nobody's business. Maybe that's not true...he's just so awkward it was surprising to see him so coordinated. I think that's it. :)

Besides Cera, I thought the film was really well casted. Kieran Culkan (man those Culkan's have some weirdly spelled names...) did a very good job in his supporting role. Great comedic timing... I really wish we had seen more of Anna Kendrick and Jason Schwartzman...especially Schwartzman. He's definitely a stand out actor in this piece. I just feel like they advertised the heck out of those two and we really didn't see much of them...especially Kendrick. Man I hate it when the studios do stuff like that!

I haven't personally read the comics that this film is based off of, but I've heard from multiple people that they stayed very true to the original. So major props for that! The special effects (again, so good...) made me feel like I was indeed inside of a comic book. It definitely was a really cool experience.
That's all I've got...not a particularly long post...the special effects were amazing and I really hope it's nominated for an Oscar because there was some very impressive, truly amazing work done here.
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