True Grit was well...Truly Underwhelming. If you've read any reviews of this film mine will come as no big surprise. I think that the biggest problem with this movie was the incredibly high expectation that most of us movie-goers had. I remember being so pumped when I first saw the trailer...Jeff Bridges...Matt Damon...Josh Brolin...and The Coen Brothers? A remake of the only movie John Wayne won an Oscar for? Surely this will be cinematic awesomeness. I couldn't wait to go and see the film. And then I did. And I left the theater thinking 'ehhhh...' Perhaps if the build up and my expectations hadn't been so high I'd have liked it more.
In all honesty, it was a good film. The acting was very good. (Although I did think that Jeff Bridges, whom I love, played a character painfully similar Bad Black from Crazy Heart...) The sets and costumes were convincing. The score was appropriate. The thing is there was nothing mind blowing, nothing happened that I didn't see coming, The pacing was a bit off, which I think was perhaps it's biggest flaw. It often got slow and redundant.
That's all I've got for this post. Besides the pacing there wasn't really anything I disliked about the film. The problem is there wasn't really anything I loved about it either.
In all honesty, it was a good film. The acting was very good. (Although I did think that Jeff Bridges, whom I love, played a character painfully similar Bad Black from Crazy Heart...) The sets and costumes were convincing. The score was appropriate. The thing is there was nothing mind blowing, nothing happened that I didn't see coming, The pacing was a bit off, which I think was perhaps it's biggest flaw. It often got slow and redundant.
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