I went in to True Grit expecting great things but found it fell short, and I walked into Tron expecting blehh but found the opposite. I actually really enjoyed the film. No, it wasn't mind blowing and no it was the best thing I've ever seen, but it was much better than I expected. I obligated to see it because of my love of cinema. I mean, this remake is kind of a big deal. That day I was supposed to go to the zoo with my cousins but Jack, who's 8, said that he'd rather go see Tron. I love that kid. I mean the zoo's great, but any 8 year old who'd rather go see an awesome CGI movie instead of some elephants is pretty baller in my opinion. Did I mention he's now into The Lord of the Rings movies? He's a keeper I think. Anyway, back to the film...

I thought the pacing was pretty good. There were constant plot points moving the piece along. I had to pee half way through but painfully held it until the end because I didn't want to miss anything. I had no problem getting up to use the rest room during True Grit...I knew I wouldn't miss much.

The CGI is, as expected, great. It better be after the cash Disney dropped for its multi-year development. CG Jeff Bridges was really good. It actually looked like young Jeff Bridges. There were some angles where you couldn't even tell that the character was CG. I look forward to the development of the technology, I bet in 10 years we're not going to be able to tell a difference between CG humans and live action humans. The main thing that I felt like was off with young JB was his speech. I think there is still work to be done fixing the audio sync and lip movements of CG people.

I think my main complaint was the lack of color in the grid. I get it, it's about computers and yada yada...it just seems that it would have looked so much cooler if it wasn't so dark. I mean, there were basically four colors in the grid: black, blue, white, and orange. With the crazy talent that Disney hired to make this film, it just seems that they could have taken a bit more advantage of the ability to include color to make it more dynamic. I feel like this film is going to look like crap if I ever rent it to watch on my TV at home...the detail won't transfer as well as other films because of how dark it is.

The acting was fine. Jeff Bridges was of course great. I can't really take Garrett Hedlund seriously because I can only picture him as Murtagh in Eragon. I don't know why...Olivia Wilde, oh Olivia Wilde. She's pretty, which I think is all she was really good for. That part was pretty boring in my opinion but I suppose they needed a pretty girl in there somewhere. I thought Michael Sheen was hilarious. I didn't realize he was in the movie so that was a nice little surprise. I also liked how they started off the film with the chase scene. I was expecting to be kind of bored but the writers got you into the plot of the film right off the bat. I think Disney knew the first Tron's reputation consisted of a rather boring plot line, and amped it up right from the start this go around.

That's really all I've got. It was a good little film. It wasn't mind blowing though, so I doubt I'll ever watch it again.
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